Bride MERCI Wedding Dress2020 F/W Collection 01 |
The dress has to be Classy & Fabulous.Using the highest quality Italian laces and hand stitched, three-dimensional flower motifs,this collection is designed to accentuate grace and femininity. |
Bride MERCI Wedding Dress2020 F/W Collection 01 |
The dress has to be Classy & Fabulous.Using the highest quality Italian lacesand hand stitched, three-dimensional flower motifs,this collection is designed to accentuate grace and femininity. |
46, Dosan-daero 81-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
TEL 02-541-0222 FAX 02-541-0230
Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 7pm
Lunch Time 1pm - 2pm
Every Sunday, Monday Close
Ⓒ Bride MERCI 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Designed By A RED.